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The act of claiming something provides positive reinforcement. Consider the affirmation, "I may not be where I want to be, but I am truly further along from where I was." Claim it, as a practice, is an on-going proccess of catching yourself and others doing something right, especially when it is better than the way it was being done in the past. Given how we all have a tendency to be harder on on ourselves than what would be optimal, you can stop being critical or demoralizing by simply pointing out improvements. Capitalize on every opportunity you find to "praise progress."

Being a disappointment hurts deeply. This is true whether you have disappointed your parent, a loved one, a boss, a friend, or even yourself. The pain is real and it runs deep, doing a lot of damage to the psyche. Do better in being more encouraging and less demanding. If the subconscious mind does not agree with your sentiment, use "Claim It" to state a mantra, such as, "I choose to improve in seeing my improvements."

Get comfortable with "Claim It." Some people feel it is boastful. It is not. Think how easily you would offer encouragement to a child and how easy it is for you to withhold that same encouragement for yourself. Something as seemingly benign as, "I got this," can be so supportive. It can actually provide you the extra strength and fortitude to be successful. If you cannot say, "I got this" and mean it deeply, go ahead and use a mantra, something like, "I choose to tap my inner, untapped power so that I know that I got this." "Claim It" is not a gift you give to the ego. It is a gift you give to the best parts of you.

Affirmations and "Claim It" share some similarities. "Claim It," however, has more in common with "Praising Progress," while affirmations support solidity. Affirming the accuracy of something supports a more coherent expression. Affirmations, therefore, help people concede to the accuracy of something so that "whatever it is" flows and resonates through them.


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