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"It's never too late to have a happy childhood." At some point in your life, the torch was passed down to you from your parents. From that point on, you have been in charge of parenting yourself. How have you been doing? How did your parents do in parenting you? Regarding how your parents did it, what do you wish they did better? How much better did you do in meeting that need that you had as a child? Reparenting takes the reins of parenting yourself to a whole new level. You get to give yourself the care you have always longed for. You get to be parented all over again, except this time you are in charge.

If your mother or father could write you a letter on your behalf, what would it say? What kind of acknowledgement would it include? If they truly saw you the way you are, what would they say? Can you feel good providing yourself those words or do you feel better witholding those words from yourself? If you were to write you a letter, from inner parent to inner child, what would you write? Would you make a vow to your inner child? Reparenting provides a fantastic opportunity to step up and provide inspiring acts of self-care and self-love.

An example of reparenting that has great benefit is writing your story about growing up, what it was like, and all the important things that happened. Doesn't sound so supportive? It is, especially when you are done. When you are done, you can reparent your story line by line. What happened? A story exists that captures how you, whoever you are, believed things to have happened. You're not focusing on interpreting things differently. When you are reparenting yourself, you get to have your back even better by interpreting even better how things happened for you. You get to tell yourself how well you handled things given your degree of maturity. More importantly, you get to use your greater degree of maturity today to handle the past even better.

Another use of reparenting is you apolgizing to yourself for not reparenting better and sooner, especially as it relates to you having your own back. Could you reparent yourself when you were a child? Of course not. You didn't know that reparenting was a thing. At any age in your past, if you didn't know that reparenting was a thing, you were unable to reparent yourself. Today, however, you know better. You can make a vow to yourself that from this point on you will be there for yourself, reparenting yourself, and providing/receiving better care and higher quality attention than you have had in the past.

As an at-home practice, write down your story in its current form, without reparenting. Then, when you are done, mature it up. Write down a greater story, one that sanctifies every aspect shared in your original story. This specific form of storytelling might very well be one of the highest forms of self-love you may ever have to share with yourself. Your stories have energy. Let them have the highest energies possible. Let them have the highest reasons for being. Document that into your reparenting story.


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