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People process recursively. That means that not only are we habit-forming creatures, but we process (react) in predictable ways. "Neurological Expansion" is a more practical term for enhancing neuroplasticity. Since so many strategies are available for neurological expansion, scheduling meetings to be more intentional in that regard is quite benefical.

Activating neural connectors, receiving optimal neurological education, and entertaining engaging conversations that stimulate novelty (seeing from newer perspectives) are all highly effective strategies. Each meeting, which lasts approximately 90 minutes, begins with a discussion about neurological expansion. Participants share their experiences regarding their at-home practices. Meetings end with the declaration of being advocates for REAL neurological expansion.

Weekly meetings are best. The social element plays an important role. The ability to see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and feel new all reflect neurological expansion. As one of our most essential functions for self-regulating, adapting, and forward healing, neurological expansion is priceless. Your life truly could depend upon it. Work it while you can and work it while you have the time to work it gently.

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